Ornamental Insect Control Rate Guide

Carbaryl 5% Dust- Ready to Use
Carbaryl 10% Dust (for Woody Ornamentals)- Ready to Use
Cutworm & Cricket Bait- 0.9 lbs per 1000 sq ft
Garden Insect Dust- Ready to Use
Home Pest Control- Ready to Use
Malathion 5% Dust- Ready to Use
Malathion 50% EC- 1 โ€“ 2 tsp per galon
Malathion-Oil Citrus & Ornamental Spray- 2 TBS per gal
Mole Cricket Bait- 0.9 lbs per 1000 sq ft
Mole Cricket & Chinch Bug Lawn Insect Control- 2 โ€“ 3 lbs per 1000 sq ft
Conserve Naturalyte Insect Control- 2 oz per gal
Triple Action Neem Oil- 1 oz per gallon
Payback Fire Ant Bait- 12 oz per 5,000 sq ft or 10 mounds
Permetrol (liquid)- 1 1/3 tsp per gal or 2.5 oz per gal for tent caterpillars
Pet & Livestock Pest Control Spray- Ready to Use
Natural Pyrethrin Concentrate- 1.2 to 3.6 oz in 10 gal
Parafine Horticultural Oil- 1 โ€“ 4 TBS per gal(non-dormant), 4 โ€“ 8 TBS per gal(dormant)
Sevin 50 W- 5 TBS per 3 gal
Snail & Slug Bait- 0.9 lbs per 1000 sq ft
Soluble Oil Spray- 1 โ€“ 4 TBS per gal(non-dormant), 4 โ€“ 8 TBS per gal(dormant)
Thuricide HPC- 4 tsp per gal

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