PowerPak 20-20-20 Water Soluble Fertilizer – 1 – 5 Lb


PowerPak 20-20-20 Water Soluble Fertilizer with micronutrients – 1 – 5 Lb is a great fertilizer for Flowers, Roses, Vegetables, Shrubs, Trees, Lawns & Houseplants.

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Southern AG Inc

PowerPak 20-20-20 Water Soluble Fertilizer with micronutrients – 1 – 5 Lb is a great fertilizer for Flowers, Roses, Vegetables, Shrubs, Trees, Lawns & Houseplants.

It provides essential nutrients.

SPRAY  APPLICATION:  On Vegetables, Tobacco, Ornamentals, House Plants, Shrubs and Trees.  Use 5 lbs. per 100 gallons of water (2 TBS. per gallon).
Apply as a full volume spray. Repeat at 7 to 10 day intervals  as  needed.

DRENCH APPLICATION:  On plant beds and potted plants, use 2 lbs. per 100 gallons of water (2 tsp. pergallon). Apply at the rate of 1 quart per square foot or 100 gallons per 400 square feet. Repeat treatment every 1-3 weeks as needed.

CONSTANT  FEED: Fertilizer applications with every watering (3 or more times per week).  Use at the rate of 100-200 ppm nitrogen, 6 3/4 oz. to 13 1/2 ozs. per 100 gallons.  Water with approximately 1-2 quarts per square foot or 100-200 gallons per 400 square feet (4/10 – 8/10 in. of water).  Where injector systems are used, the following table may be used to determine the  amount  of  fertilizer  to  use  in  concentrate  tank. When constant feeding, it is often desirable to leach potted  and  benched  plants  about  once  a  week  in order to avoid excessive fertilizer build up, particularly on  the soil surface.


LAWNS  AND  TURF  GRASS:  May  be  used  as  a supplement  to  regular  fertilization  when  quick  response and greening are needed.  Use at the rate of 1 lb. per 10 gallons of water per 1,000 square feet. Apply monthly or as needed.

TRANSPLANT SOLUTION: For use on tobacco, vegetables  such  as  tomato,  lettuce,  cabbage,  cauliflower, eggplant and peppers.  In general, use 3 lbs. per 100 gallons of solution (1 1/2 TBS. per gallon). Pour around plant using 1/2 to 1 pint of solution per plant.  Some plants such as tobacco may be sensitive to excess amounts of fertilizer and it is best to use the low rate of 1 lb. per 100 gallons initially and check plant response.  If experience dictates, up to the 3 lb.rate may be used.

This material is compatible with most insecticides and fungicides which are not highly alkaline such as Bordeaux Mixture or Lime.

Weight 1.81436948 kg



Southern AG Inc

Southern Ag was started in 1930’s by Hans Diem. During this time, crop dusting by hand was the most common method of pesticide application.

Southern AG Inc
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