Tordon RTU Brush Weed Killer Herbicide – Qt
Tordon RTU Brush Weed Killer Herbicide – Qt effectively kills cut stumps, brush, weed when you are cleaning out fence lines and non-cropland areas.
Tordon RTU Brush Weed Killer Herbicide – Qt effectively kills cut stumps, brush, weed when you are cleaning out fence lines and non-cropland areas.
- Broad-spectrum control of woody brush and weeds
- Controls wild pine and briars
- Provides residual control
- Tank-mix compatibility (as directed on label)
- Foliar- and soil-active product
- Controls root-suckering species
- Low volatility
Active Ingredients: Picloram — 5.4%, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid — 20.9%
Application Timing: Tordon RTU is ideal for in-season and off-season brush control
Tordon RTU should NOT be applied on residential or commercial lawns or near ornamental trees and shrubs.
If you want to place order a bigger size, place order Pathway specialty – 2.5 Gallons.
Weight | 1.36077711 kg |
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