Enstar AQ Insecticide IGR – Qt – Gal
$144.95 – $474.95
Enstar AQ Insecticide IGR – Qt – Gal is an Insecticde Miticide and also Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) that prevents target insects from maturing into adults.
Enstar AQ Insecticide IGR – Qt – Gal is an Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) that prevents target insects from maturing into adults. Once the adult insects come into contact with the active ingredient, S-Kinoprene, they lay sterile eggs.
Enstar AQ, a water-based formulation, features broad spectrum, long residual control of whiteflies, thrips, aphids,soft-bodied and armored scales, mealybugs, leaf miners, glassy-winged sharpshooters, and fungus gnats. Enstar AQ is for use on ornamental plants in greenhouses, shadehouses, lath houses, and interiorscapes (i.e. atriums).
Enstar AQ has been tested on many varieties of bracking poinsettia and other plant species with low or no signs of phytotoxicity. However, growing conditions and cultural practices vary and it is advisable to test on a small sample prior to treating an entire crop toobserve for potential crop injury.
Complete foliage coverage is necessary for effective pest control. With conventional spray equipment, mix the recommended amount of Enstar AQ and water. Then, spray both the top and bottom of leaves, until runoff occurs. For other applications of Enstar AQ, follow the equipment manufacturer’s specifications. Use Enstar AQ alone or in conjunction with Mavrik Aquaflow Insecticide for broad-spectrum control. For more technical information, see the Enstar AQ Label.
Active Ingredient : S-Kinoprene — 18.4%
Rate : 16oz per 100 gallons of water for prevention
32oz per 100 gallons of water for curative
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