Grandevo WDG Bioinsecticide Miticide – 6 Lb


Grandevo WDG Bioinsecticide Miticide – 6 Lb is a dry flowable microbial based fungicide containing fermentation solids of chromobacterium subtsugae strain PRAA4-­1 for use on edible crops.

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Engage Agro USA LLC

Grandevo WDG Bioinsecticide Miticide – 6 Lb is a dry flowable microbial based fungicide containing fermentation solids of chromobacterium subtsugae strain PRAA4-­1 for use on edible crops.

Control of pests is achieved by unique combinations of repellency, oral toxicity, reduced egg hatch, and reduced fecundity (ability of pest to reproduce). With GRANDEVO’s multiple active compounds and complex modes of action the risk of insect resistance is greatly reduced.

Grandevo WDG contains several active compounds that repel, stop feeding, reduce reproduction and induce mortality to prevent the development of damaging populations of sucking and chewing insects, flies and mites.

As part of a modern pest management program, Grandevo WDG can be used on a wide range of organic and conventional crops, including fruits, vegetables, and nuts.

  • Cross-spectrum protection against sucking and chewing insects and mites

  • Activity against adults and nymphs

  • Multiple modes of action

  • Mainstream performance

  • 4-hour REI, 0-day PHI

  • OMRI approved and NOP compliant

  • No spray buffer required


Active Ingredient: Chromobacterium subtsugae strain PRAA4-­1 — 30%

Rate: 1 – 3 lb per 100 gallons water per acre

APPLICATION: Foliar (Aerial or Ground), Chemigation, Soil Treatment, Backpack/Hand Sprayer

Weight 5.89670081 kg


Engage Agro USA LLC

Engage Agro USA LLC specializes in crop protection and nutritional products for agricultural, turf, industrial, and niche crop markets in the United States.

Engage Agro USA LLC
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