Monument 75WG Herbicide – 5 X 5 Grams


Monument 75WG Herbicide – 5 X 5 Grams is a systemic selective herbicide for post-emergent control of sedges, certain grasses and broadleaf weeds in bermudagrass and zoysiagrass.

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Monument 75WG Herbicide – 5 X 5 Grams is a systemic selective herbicide for post-emergent control of sedges, certain grasses and broadleaf weeds in bermudagrass and zoysiagrass.
Monument 75WG is a selective post-emergence herbicide for the control of certain weeds in commercial warm season turf markets, including golf courses, sod farms and commericial property management. A sulfonylurea herbicide, Monument 75WG provides excellent control of a broad range of weeds including all major categories of sedge species, green kyllinga , oxalis and various other grass and broadleaf species in Bermudagrass and Zoysiagrass.

Growth of susceptible weeds is inhibited soon after application of Monument 75WG. The leaves of susceptible plants normally turn yellow, red or purple after several days, followed by necrosis and death of the growing point. Complete plant death occurs 1-3 weeks after application, depending upon weed species, growing conditions, etc.
Monument 75WG controls weeds by inhibiting a biochemical process that produces certain essential amino acids necessary for plant growth. The inhibited enzyme system is acetolactate synthase (ALS).

Application Rates
Apply Monument 75WG in 1 to 2 gallons water per 1000 sq. ft. If pH of water carrier is less than 5.5, use a buffer solution to raise pH to near 7.0. Do not mix with acid forming compound in the spray tank. Control of susceptible weeds may not occur for up to 4 weeks after treatment.

Use rates of 0.53 oz./A (15 grams or 3 packets) to control**:
Bahiagrass (suppression)*
Broadleaf Signalgrass
Crabgrass (suppression)*
Dallisgrass (suppression)*
Purple Nutsedge
Torpedograss (suppression)*
Virginia buttonweed
* Suppression means significant activity, but not always at a level considered acceptable for commercial weed control. Repeat in 4 to 6 weeks.
Use rates of 0.35 to 0.53 oz./A (10-15 grams or 2-3 packets) to control**:
Annual sedge
Black medic
Cat’s ear dandelion
Carolina Geranium
Common chickweed
Corn speedwell
Creeping indigo
Field pansy
Globe Sedge
Green Kyllinga
Ground Ivy
Hairy buttercup
Hop clover
Lawn Burweed
Lawn pennywort
Little Barley
Parsley Piert
Poa annua
Rabbitsfoot clover
Spotted Spurge
Tall Fescue
Wild Garlic
Yellow nutsedge
** Repeat applications may be needed in 4 to 6 weeks.


Removal of Certain Overseeded Winter Turf from Bermudagrass
Use rates of 0.1 to 0.35 oz. (3-10 grams) per acre or 3-10 packets per 5 acres to remove overseeded perennial ryegrass and Poa trivialis to aid spring transition of bermudagrass. The lowest rate allows for a more gradual transition, however the turf may be temporarily discolored. If
applied to dormant bermudagrass, some delay in green-up may be observed. A good bermudagrass base should be present before using this product to remove overseeded turfgrass species.

Renovation of Sod Farms, Turf and Bareground Areas on Golf Courses Contaminated with Poa annua or Sedges
Use rates of 0.35 to 0.53 oz. (10-15 grams or 2-3 packets) per acre to control Poa annua, purple and yellow nutsedge in established turf. A second application may needed for control of sedges. Labeled turf species can be seeded or sprigged into treated areas 4 weeks after a Monument 75WG application.

Spot Treatments With Backpack Sprayers
Dissolve 0.0176 oz. (0.5 gram) of Monument 75WG per 2 gallons of water, add 20 mL (2/3 oz.) of a nonionic surfactant and spray mixture at a rate of 2 gallons per 1000 sq. ft.
Active Ingredient : Trifloxysulfuron 75%
Weight 1.81436948 kg



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