Dupont Matrix SG Herbicide – 20 oz
Dupont Matrix SG Herbicide – 20 oz delivers contact and extended soil residual control of grasses and broadleaf weeds, including glyphosate-resistant marestail/fleabane, in tree nuts, stone/pome fruit, grapes, potatoes, citrus and tomatoes.
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Dupont Matrix SG Herbicide – 20 oz delivers contact and extended soil residual control of grasses and broadleaf weeds, including glyphosate-resistant marestail/fleabane, in tree nuts, stone/pome fruit, grapes, potatoes, citrus and tomatoes.
Matrix is absorbed through the roots and foliage, rapidly inhibiting the growth of susceptible weeds.Â
Dupont Matrix SG has been replaced with Corteva(Formerly DOW) Matrix SG. It is same, just ownership was sold to Corteva(Formerly DOW).
Growers have counted on DuPont Matrix herbicide to deliver a step up in weed control without harming their field corn, tomato, potato, grape, stone fruit, pome fruit, tree nut and citrus crops.
Now you can use Matrix herbicide to get tougher on weeds in utility substations, plant sites and along roadsides where tree fruit, tree nuts, grapes and oleander are grown.
It improves control of problem weeds such as marestail, fleabane, crabgrass and foxtails.
Benefits of adding Matrix herbicide
Low phytotoxicity to many fruit trees, vine crops and oleander.
Excellent weed control spectrum, delivers reliable control of marestail, fleabane and other tough weeds.
Low impact (or minimal impact) to groundwater and biotic
Excellent resistance management tool when used in combination with other herbicides.
Low use rates relative to other frequently used herbicides such as pendimethalin and diuron.
120+ days pre-emergent soil residual control.
Active Ingredients: Rimsulfuron — 25%
Rate:Â 1 ~ 4 oz per acre for pre-emergent, post-emergent (See Label for each crops)
This 1.25 Lb (20 oz) bottle can cover up to 20 acres.       Â
Weight | 2.26796185 kg |
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