Bayleton FLO Turf and Ornamental Fungicide – 2.5 Gallon


Bayleton FLO Turf and Ornamental Fungicide – 2.5 Gallon is a systemic fungicide for control of turf and ornamental diseases.

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Backed by BAYER

Bayleton FLO Turf and Ornamental Fungicide – 2.5 Gallon is a systemic fungicide for control of turf and ornamental diseases.

Bayleton is a proven fungicide for turf and ornamental disease protection with long lasting residual control. It’s easy to use and cost effective.

Anthracnose, Bermudagrass decline, brown patch/rhizoctonia blight, copper spot, dollar spot, fusarium blight, gray snow mold/Typhula blight, pink snow mold/Fusarium patch, powdery mildew, red thread, rusts, Southern blight, stripe smut, summer patch, take-all patch, zoysia patch/large brown patch


Broad-spectrum disease control

  • Unsurpassed dollar spot control
  • 14- to 28-day residual
  • Ideal for golf courses and many ornamental diseases
  • For flowers, foliage plants, shrubs, shade trees and turf grass including residential turf, sodfarm turf, golf courses, commercial lawns and grounds, gardens or parks and interior plantscapes.
  • Can be use both preventive or curative.


ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Triadimefon — 43% 

Rate: 0.25 ~ 2 oz per 1,000 sq.ft. for Turf, 5.5oz per 2 ~ 16 oz per acre for Ornamentals.

Weight 24.94758035 kg


Backed by BAYER

Bayer is an inventor company with a long tradition of research. By applying science to the major global challenges, we deliver innovations that address unmet customer and market needs.

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