Lontrel Specialty Herbicide Clopyralid – Qt
Lontrel Specialty Herbicide Clopyralid – Qt provides a high level of turf safety while offering superior postemergence control of clover, dandelion, thistle and dollarweed.
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Lontrel Specialty Herbicide Clopyralid – Qt provides a high level of turf safety while offering superior postemergence control of clover, dandelion, thistle and dollarweed.
Lontrel is labeled for use on both warm- and cool-season turf, but sets the standard for safety to turf in closely mowed bentgrass and Bermudagrass fairways.
Controls several weed species, including clover, thistle, dollarweed and groundsel
Excellent safety to turf, including use on St. Augustinegrass, closely mowed bentgrass and Bermudagrass fairways
Application flexibility in landscape and field nursery situations, including “over-the-top” applications with certain ornamental plants
Can be used to provide selective control of broadleaf weeds in new and established plantings of conifers and field-grown ornamentals
Do not reseed turfgrass for 3 weeks after application.
Do not use grass clippings from turf treated with Lontrel for mulch or compost
CONTAINS: clopyralid —– 40.9%
RATE: mostly 4 ~ 21 oz per acre per 100 gallons of water or 0.1 ~ 0.5 oz per 1 gallon of water per 1,000 sq.ft.
In California and Washington, turfgrass and lawn uses are restricted to golf courses only. (not greens nor tees)
Do not use on residential turf.
Weight | 2.72155422 kg |
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