Dyne-Amic Modified Vegetable Oil Surfactant – Qt – Gal – 2.5 Gal
$44.95 – $171.95
Dyne-Amic Modified Vegetable Oil Surfactant – Qt – Gal – 2.5 Gal is a proprietary blend of highly effective nonionic surfactants (NIS) and a refined and modified spray oil.
Dyne-Amic Modified Vegetable Oil Surfactant – Qt – Gal – 2.5 Gal is a proprietary blend of highly effective nonionic surfactants (NIS) and a refined and modified spray oil.
It is designed for use with those pesticides or products whose labels recommend the addition of a spray adjuvant to improve coverage.
The addition of Dyne Amic to a spray tank solution will improve a spray application by physically modifying the deposition and wetting characteristics of the spray solution, the result being a more uniform spray deposit.
Excellent canopy deposition and spreading for thorough coverage
Excellent penetration of plant tissue
Reduced evaporation
Low use rate
Utilizes soybean oil
CONTAINS: methyl esters of C16-C18 fatty acids — 99.0%
RATE: 48 – 80 oz per 100 gallons of water for ground & aquatic application, 3 – 5 oz per 1 – 5 gallons of water for aerial & cda
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