Aria Insecticide – 160 Gram
Aria Insecticide – 160 Gram is a highly selective insecticide that controls greenhouse and nursery pests, including resistant aphids, thrips and whiteflies.
Aria Insecticide – 160 Gram is a highly selective insecticide that controls greenhouse and nursery pests, including resistant aphids, thrips and whiteflies in greenhouses, nurseries and landscapes.
Aria insecticide is a water soluble granule formulation featuring flonicamid, a systemic active ingredient that belongs to a unique chemical class (pyridinecarboxamides).
Active Ingredient : Flonicamid — 50.0%
Rate : 0.7 to 4.3 oz (20 to 120 grams) per 100 gallons of water
Aria Insecticide Benefit :
- Resists degradation under high-heat conditions to provide dependable residual action in greenhouses where temperatures are high
- Allows a re-entry interval of 12 hours and provides residual activity for 1 to 4 weeks after application
- Not likely to cause undue harm to fish, birds, honeybees, predatory mites and other beneficial insects
- Gentle on 80 cultivars in over 33 different plant speciesDelivers both translaminar and contact activity to irreversibly stop feeding and reproduction of insects
- Stops insect feeding in 1 hour by paralysis of mouthparts, causing mortality in as little as 48 hours due to dehydration and starvation
- Belongs to IRAC group 9C, making it a great addition to your Insect Resistance Management (IRM) program as it has no known cross-resistance with organophosphates, carbamates, pyrethroids or neonicotinoids
Weight | 1.36077711 kg |
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