Camelot O Fungicide Bactericide – Gallon


Camelot O Fungicide Bactericide – Gallon is a liquid copper formulation using proven technology to provide broad-spectrum bacterial and fungal disease control on a wide variety of ornamental plants, greenhouse vegetable/herb crops and turfgrass.

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SePRO Corportaion

Camelot O Fungicide Bactericide – Gallon is a liquid copper formulation using proven technology to provide broad-spectrum bacterial and fungal disease control on a wide variety of ornamental plants, greenhouse vegetable/herb crops and turfgrass.

Camelot O is a uniquely patented formula of fixed copper combined with fatty acids to form a true soap providing performance advantages over other copper-based products.

Camelot O requires minimal elemental copper for excellent disease control through its superior coverage ability and foliar adherence. Camelot O gives you the complete disease control you want and deserve.

Camelot O controls a broad-spectrum of ornamental fungal and bacterial pathogens.

Bacterial Pathogens
    Erwinia spp.
    Pseudomonas spp.
    Xanthomonas spp.
    Bacterial Leaf Spot and Blight

Fungal Pathogens
    Ascochyta Leaf Blight
    Black Spot
    Botrytis Blight (Gray Mold)
    Cercospora Leaf Blight/Spot
    Dollar Spot
    Downy Mildew
    Leaf Spots
    Needle Blights and Casts
    Powdery Mildew
    White Mold

Active Ingredient : Copper Octanoate (Copper soap) — 10.0%

Application Information :
Use Camelot O in a disease control program at 0.5 to 2.0 gallons per 100 gallons (64 to 256 fl. oz./100 gallons) and apply to one (1) acre.  Initiate applications at first sign of disease or when conditions are favorable for disease development.  If necessary, repeat applications should be made at 7 to 10 day intervals.

Do not tank-mix with chelated or liquid fertilizers.

Weight 5.89670081 kg


SePRO Corportaion

Formed in 1993, SePRO focuses on acquiring, developing, manufacturing, and marketing value-added products for such specialty applications as aquatics and horticulture.

SePRO Corportaion
SKU: 1058.41 Categories: , , Brand:
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