Elevate 50WDG Fungicide for Fruits – 2 Lb
Elevate 50WDG Fungicide for Fruits – 2 Lb is a locally systemic fungicide that provides excellent control against Botrytis cinerea, the pathogen.
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Elevate 50WDG Fungicide for Fruits – 2 Lb is a locally systemic fungicide that provides excellent control against Botrytis cinerea, the pathogen that causes bunch rot in grapes and gray mold in berries. Botrytis can significantly reduce quality and yield of grape and berry crops.
Befefits :
- A unique active ingredient – Fenhexamid – with no known cross-resistanceÂ
- Rainfast shortly after applicationÂ
- Excellent crop safety with no adverse effect on fruit size, fermentation, flavor or aromaÂ
- Pre-Harvest Interval (PHI): Zero days in grapes, strawberries, bushberries, caneberries and stone fruitÂ
- Minimal impact on the environment and no impact on most beneficial insects
- Reduced Risk classification
Diseases Controlled : Excellent Control of Botrytis in Grape and Berry Crops and Control of Monilinia in Almonds and Stone Fruit. (Not for Residential Use)
Active Ingredient : Fenhexamid — 50%
Rate : 1 – 1.5 Lb. per 100 gallons of water per Acre
Labeled for use on :
Asparagus (excluding CA)
Bushberries (blueberries, gooseberries, currant and huckleberries)
Caneberries (red and black raspberries, blackberries, loganberries)
Ginseng (excluding CA)
Grapes Juneberries
Oriental Pear
Stone Fruit (apricot, cherries, nectarines, peaches, plumcot, plums and fresh prunes)
Weight | 1.81436948 kg |
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