Entrust SC Naturalyte Insect Control – qt


Entrust SC Naturalyte Insect Control – qt formulated for control of lepidopterous larvae (worms or caterpillars), leafminers, thrips, and red imported fire ants.

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Dow AgroSciences LLC

Entrust SC Naturalyte Insect Control – qt formulated for control of lepidopterous larvae (worms or caterpillars), leafminers, thrips, and red imported fire ants.

Entrust SC Naturalyte Insect Control – qt product for control of many foliage feeding pests including lepidoptera larvae (worms or caterpillars), colorado potato beetles, leafminers and thrips infesting labeled crops.

A liquid formulation of spinosad labeled for cole crops, corn, cucurbits, fruiting and leafy vegetables, pome fruits, potatoes, stone fruits, strawberries, bushberries and cranberries and more.

Mix Entrust SC with water and apply as a foliar spray with aerial or ground equipment equipped for conventional insecticide spraying.


  • Rate : 0.05 oz / 1 gallon of water or 1.5 – 10 oz / 100 gallons of water (may vary upon crop, see label for details)
  • Active Ingredients : Spinosad — 22.5% (more ingredient than Conserve SC)
  • Listed by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) for use in organic production.
Weight 1.81436948 kg


Dow AgroSciences LLC

Dow AgroSciences, a wholly owned subsidiary of The Dow Chemical Company, began in 1989 as DowElanco, a joint venture between the plant sciences businesses of The Dow Chemical Company and Eli Lilly and Company.

Dow AgroSciences LLC
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