Intrepid 2F Insecticide IGR – Gal
Intrepid 2F Insecticide IGR (insect growth regulator) – Gal offering effective control of many species of lepidopteran insects.
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Intrepid 2F Insecticide IGR (insect growth regulator) – Gal offering effective control of many species of lepidopteran insects, including navel orangeworm, peach twig borer, leafrollers, loopers, armyworms and citrus leafminers, while not disrupting beneficial insects, mites and pollinators in many crops, such as almonds, grapes, soybeans, tomatoes and more.
- Completely unique Group 18 insecticide, as categorized by the Insecticide Resistance Action Committee, making it an ideal fit in a resistance management program
- Extended residual control, saving growers time and money by sprayingÂ
- Favorable environmental profile and won’t disrupt any beneficial insects — including bees — making it the ideal choice for IPM programs
- Preserves population of beneficials, mites and pollinators
- Can be applied at bloom without affecting pollinators, such as bees
- Labeled for control of insects in multiple crops, such as tree fruit, citrus, tree nuts, vines, vegetables, soybeans, pastures and cotton
Rate: 4 – 16 oz. per acre (See label for special instructions.)
Contains — methoxyfenozide 22.6%
Weight | 5.89670081 kg |
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