Ultra Pure Oil Horticultural Insecticide – 2.5 – 30 Gal
$94.95 – $841.95
Ultra Pure Oil Horticultural Insecticide – 2.5 – 30 Gal is 98% Petroleum Oil based year round horticultural spray Insecticide, Miticide and Fungicide.
Ultra Pure Oil Horticultural Insecticide – 2.5 – 30 Gal is 98% Petroleum Oil based year round horticultural spray Insecticide, Miticide and Fungicide.
Ultra Pure means better pest control and a lower potential for phytotoxicity.
Active Ingredient: Mineral Oil (Petroleum Oil) — 98%
REI: 4 hours
Use Sites: Greenhouses, nurseries, container gardens, bedding plants, Christmas tree farms, ornamental trees & shrubs, flowering & foliage plants, field crops, fruit & nut crops, vegetables and herbs
Rate: 150 – 200 oz per 100 gallons of water
- 99% unsulfonated residue means less chance of phytotoxicity than ever before
- Broad-spectrum control of insects, mites and fungus
- Controls adult, larval and egg stages of soft-bodied insects and mites
- Virtually no odor
- No post-harvest restrictions
- No known resistance
30 Gallons of drum is available via Ground shipping only.
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