Fendona CS Controlled Release Insecticide – Pt – 120 Oz
$51.95 – $306.95
Fendona CS Controlled Release Insecticide – Pt – 120 Oz is a microencapsulated concentrate utilizing SmartCap Technology that provides 4 times as active as cypermethrin for over more than 60 arthropod pests, and adheres to a broad range of surfaces.
Fendona CS Controlled Release Insecticide – Pt – 120 Oz is a microencapsulated concentrate utilizing SmartCap Technology that provides 4 times as active as cypermethrin for over more than 60 arthropod pests, and adheres to a broad range of surfaces.
This flexibility makes Fendona CS insecticide effective for treating a wide variety of structural, lawn, turf and ornamental pests.
This innovative formulation significantly increases the number of caps for broader coverages and improved residual.
- Use 1 oz (0.025%) ~ 2 oz (0.050%) per 1 gallon or 8 ~ 16 oz per 100 gallons of water for indoor & outdoorÂ
- Use 0.5 ~ 1 oz per 1,000 sq.ft for lawn treatment, 4 ~ 6 oz per 100 gallons for ornamentals treatmentÂ
- Not labeled for use in food / feed areas
Active Ingredient : Alpha-Cypermethrin — 3.0%
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