RightLine ETHO 4 SC Herbicide Prograss SC – 0.5 Gal


RightLine ETHO 4 SC Herbicide Prograss SC – 0.5 Gal provides both pre- and post-emergent control of Poa annua, weed enemy #1 for many turf managers.

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United Phosphorus Inc

RightLine ETHO 4 SC Herbicide Prograss SC – 0.5 Gal provides both pre- and post-emergent control of Poa annua, weed enemy #1 for many turf managers.

In both cool-season turf grasses and overseeded bermudagrass, Poa Annua can be controlled through its germination and growth periods.

  • Controls Poa annua and a wide variety of annual grasses and broadleaf weeds during germination and growth periods every season.
  • Labeled for use on tall fescue, bentgrass, St. Augustinegrass, Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass
  • Labeled for golf course (fairways), sod farms, cemeteries, and commercial and residential lawns.
  • Weeds controlled include: barnyardgrass, burclover, canary grass, common chickweed, common purslane, green foxtail, large crabgrass, Poa annua and other annual grasses, redroot pigweed, smooth crabgrass, white clover, yellow foxtail.

  • Active ingredient : Ethofumesate —— 42.0% (same as Prograss SC, PoaConstrictor) 
  • Rate : 0.5 ~ 2.25 oz / 1 gallon of water / 1,000 sq.ft.(hand pump sprayer) or 24 ~ 64 oz / Acre

This is a generic prograss sc herbicide as same a.i as discontinued Prograss SC, PoaConstrictor. If you want to bigger size, then use Prograss EC (2.5 gallon), but A.I is 19%.

Weight 6.80388555 kg


United Phosphorus Inc

United Phosphorus, Inc.(UPI) is dedicated to providing North American growers with high-quality, proven crop protection solutions.

United Phosphorus Inc
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