Magnus Hydration Surfactant – 2.5 Gallon
Magnus Hydration Surfactant – 2.5 Gallon is a unique blend of nonionic soil surfactants that produces uniform hydration in the root zone, improves plant color and quality and decreases localized dry spot.
Magnus Hydration Surfactant – 2.5 Gallon is a unique blend of nonionic soil surfactants that produces uniform hydration in the root zone, improves plant color and quality and decreases localized dry spot.
MAGNUS may be used in conjunction with seeding or vegetative establishment. MAGNUS may be tank mixed with DUPLEX and DUPLEX ULTRA or used in conjunctions with CASCADE PLUS.
Labeled use on residentail turf, commercial turf included golf courses, sports fields.
Apply MAGNUS at the rate of 4 ounces (118 ml) in a minimum of 1 gallon (3.79 L) of water per 1000 square feet (92.9 m2) of turfgrass.
Apply MAGNUS at the rate of 174 ounces (5.15 L) in a minimum of 44 gallons (167 L) of water per acre (.40 ha) of turfgrass.
MAGNUS should be applied every 30 days or when localized dry spot or water-repellent soils become evident.
Features & Benefits
- Uniform soil moisture – optimizes growing conditions for stressed turf and new seedlings
- Compatible with most plant protectants – saves labor and time
- Does not require post-application irrigation – more convenient, less disruption to play
Active Ingredients: Polyethylene-polypropylene Glycols -Block Copolymer — 100%
Weight | 15.87573295 kg |
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