Ph-D WDG Fungicide Affirm Fungicide – 2 Lbs


Ph-D WDG Fungicide Affirm Fungicide – 2 Lbs is a Broad-Spectrum Agricutural Crop Labeled Fungicide with a unique mode of action for resistance management in a wide variety of crops including almonds, cucurbit vegetables, fruiting vegetables, grapes, pistachios, pome fruits, stone fruits, potatoes, strawberries, citrus, hops, lettuce and stalk, stem and leafy vegetables.

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Arysta LifeScience

Ph-D WDG Fungicide Affirm Fungicide – 2 Lbs is a Broad-Spectrum Agricutural Crop Labeled Fungicide with a unique mode of action for resistance management in a wide variety of crops including almonds, cucurbit vegetables, fruiting vegetables, grapes, pistachios, pome fruits, stone fruits, potatoes, strawberries, citrus, hops, lettuce and stalk, stem and leafy vegetables.

PH-D offers a higher degree of control when it comes to such diseases as Alternaria, Botrytis, Powdery mildew, Septoria spot, Sclerotinia and more.

  • Mixes well without affecting pH levels
  • Wide-spectrum disease control
  • Unique mode of action (FRAC Group 19)
  • 0-day PHI and 4-hour REI
  • Derived from biological fermentation – exempt from tolerance
  • Knockdown of Powdery mildew
  • Excellent resistance management tool
  • Tank-mix compatible with most commonly used pesticides

Active ingredient : Polyoxin D zinc salt — 11.3%

Rate : 6.2 oz per acre

Ph-D Fungicide is an Agricutural Crop Labeled Fungicide, To use Turf&Ornamental, Use Affirm Fungicide.

Weight 2.72155422 kg


Arysta LifeScience

Over the past five years, Arysta LifeScience achieved positive sales growth, exceeding the industry average and maintaining its position as on of the world’s largest privately held crop protection and life science companies.

Arysta LifeScience
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