MSMA Update for Turfgrass Applications
Residential and Athletic Field Turf
Effective January 1, 2010, MSMA will no longer be labeled for use on residential turf, drainage ditch banks, railroad, pipeline, and utility rights-of-way, fence rows, storage yards, and similar non-crop areas. Any previously purchased stocks of MSMA products may be applied until December 31, 2010.
Golf Courses, Sod Farms, and Highways
All uses of MSMA and all currently registered uses of DSMA, CAMA, and DMA may be used until December 31, 2009. MSMA use on golf courses, sod farms, and highway rights-of-way will be cancelled as of December 31, 2012. Use of existing MSMA stock will be allowed until December 31, 2013. Golf course use is limited to spot treatments not to exceed 100 square feet per spot, or 25% of total golf course acreage per year. One broadcast application is allowed for newly constructed golf courses and sod farm use is limited to no more than two broadcast applications per season. A 25-foot buffer zone must be maintained around permanent water bodies. Only two broadcast applications per year are allowed for use on highway rights-of-way and a 100-foot buffer zone must be maintained around permanent water bodies.