16 results
Plug Fast 12-12-6 with Iron Sealer Bag – 5 Lbs $15.95
Plug Fast 12-12-6 with Iron Sealer Bag – 5 Lbs is a balanced plugging fertilizer that contains slow release nitrogen.
1 in stock
PowerPak 20-20-20 Water Soluble Fertilizer – 1 – 5 Lb $13.95 – $26.75
PowerPak 20-20-20 Water Soluble Fertilizer with micronutrients – 1 – 5 Lb is a great fertilizer for Flowers, Roses, Vegetables, Shrubs, Trees, Lawns & Houseplants.
13 in stock
Pro-Mate 25-5-11 50% pcscu 2% Iron Granular Fertilizer – 50 Lb $119.95
Pro-Mate 25-5-11 50% pcscu 2% Iron Granular Fertilizer – 50 Lb is excellent slow release 50% pcscu and 2% iron(fe) for dark green-up professinal turf grass fertilizer.
0 in stock
Pro-Select Prill Dolomitic Limestone – 50 lb $75.95
Pro-Select Prill Dolomitic Limestone – 50 lb raises pH in acidic soils and is a quality source of calcium and magnesium.
0 in stock
Pulverized Dolomite Limestone – 50 Lb $89.95
Pulverized Dolomite Limestone – 50 Lb is OMRI listed limestone for acid soil treatment.
0 in stock
RenovA 3-0-8 Liquid Fertilizer – Liter – 2.5 Gal $54.95 – $204.95
RenovA 3-0-8 Liquid Fertilizer – Liter – 2.5 Gal is a foliar applied nutritional designed to improve the quality and vigor of turf and ornamental plants.
0 in stock
Roots Fertilizer for Tree SRN 11-22-22 Micronutrient – 8 Lb $51.95
Roots Fertilizer for Tree SRN 11-22-22 Micronutrient – 8 Lb is a water-dispersible 50% slow release nitrogen fertilizer that provides both chemical and biological fertility to promote growth.
0 in stock
Roots Tree Saver – 3 Oz Packet $10.95
Roots Tree Saver – 3 Oz Packet is a comprehensive soil inoculant combining mycorrhizal fungi, benecial rhizosphere bacteria and Myconate (formononetin), a naturally occurring isoavone that increases root colonization by VA mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi.
0 in stock
SA50 10% Iron Chelated Sprint 330 – 5 Lb $63.95
SA50 10% Iron Chelated Sprint 330 – 5 Lb is 10% fully dtpa chelated iron.
17 in stock
SA50 6% Iron Chelated EDDHA Sprint 138 – 5 Lb $84.95
SA50 6% Iron Chelated EDDHA Sprint 138 – 5 Lb is 6% fully chelated EDDHA iron.
11 in stock
Select Iron 15-0-0 Ferromec AC – 2.5 Gallons $84.95
Select Iron 15-0-0 Ferromec AC – 2.5 Gallons is a supplemental source of iron and nitrogen designed to enhance green-up and correct nutritional deficiencies.
0 in stock
Sequestrene 138 Fe Chelated Iron EDDHA Sprint 138 – 5 Lb $109.95
Sequestrene 138 Fe Chelated Iron EDDHA Sprint 138 – 5 Lb is 6% fully chelated EDDHA iron that is preferred in the most challenging soils that are alkaline or calcareous.
1 in stock
Sequestrene 330 Fe Chelated Iron Sprint 330 – 5 Lb $84.95
Sequestrene 330 Fe Chelated Iron Sprint 330 – 5 Lb is 10% fully chelated iron that is preferred in the most challenging soils that are alkaline or calcareous.
15 in stock
Sodium Molybdate – 1 Lb $49.95
Sodium Molybdate – 1 Lb used for the corrections of molybdenum deficiencies in certain plants.
0 in stock
Soil Acidifier Pelletized Sulfur 5 – 50 Lb $15.75 – $105.75
Soil Acidifier Pelletized Sulfur 5 – 50 Lb use for the correction of high ph Alkalinity Sweet Soil.
9 in stock
Soluble Foliar Boron Spray Solubor – 2 – 25 Lb $23.95 – $83.95
Soluble Foliar Boron Spray Solubor Beau-Ron – 2 – 25 Lb containing Boron as B2O3 66% and Elemental Boron 20.5% borate micronutrient which use as an aid in the prevention of boron deficiency symptoms.
0 in stock