16 results
Broadform Fungicide Fluopyram Trifloxystrobin – 12 Oz $289.95
Broadform Fungicide Fluopyram Trifloxystrobin – 12 Oz helps maximize foliar disease control on key pathogens including Botrytis, leaf spot, and dieback diseases with both knock down and long lasting residual protection.
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Camelot O Fungicide Bactericide – Gallon $114.55
Camelot O Fungicide Bactericide – Gallon is a liquid copper formulation using proven technology to provide broad-spectrum bacterial and fungal disease control on a wide variety of ornamental plants, greenhouse vegetable/herb crops and turfgrass.
3 in stock
Captan 50W Fungicide – 30 Lbs $169.95
Captan 50W Fungicide – 30 Lbs is a wettable powder used for the control of various plant fungal diseases.
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Captan Gold 80 WDG Fungicide – 6.25 Lbs $79.95
Captan Gold 80 WDG Fungicide – 6.25 Lbs is a water-dispersible granule for use in water as a spray for the control of certain fungal diseases of fruit and as a soil treatment for the control of certain seed rots and damping-off diseases.
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Caravan G Granular Insecticide Fungicide – 30 Lb $149.95
Caravan G Granular Insecticide Fungicide – 30 Lb controls insects as meridian and disease as heritage to deliver better looking turf.
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Cease Foliar Biological Fungicide – 1 Gal $129.95
Cease Foliar Biological Fungicide – 1 Gal is a broad spectrum, preventative product for the control or suppression of many important plant diseases. Apply Cease as a foliar spray alone, in alternating spray programs or in tank mixes with other registered crop protection products like milstop, etc.
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Champ Dry Prill Copper Fungicide Bactericide – 20 Lb $159.95
Champ Dry Prill Copper Fungicide Bactericide – 20 Lb is an advanced copper formulation that delivers excellent disease control. Champ Dry Prill is the only dry prill copper available for no-dust mixing and handling.
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Chipco 26019 Flo Fungicide – 2.5 Gal $279.95
Chipco 26019 Flo Fungicide – 2.5 Gal is a foliar-applied fungicide recommended for turfgrass disease control on golf courses, sod farms and institutional areas where fine turf is grown.
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Chipco 26019 Fungicide – 2 Lb $249.95
Chipco 26019 Fungicide – 2 Lb is contact, curative broad spectrum fungicides which inhibit germination of fungal spores and growth of fungal mycelium.
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Chlorothalonil 5G Fungicide Andersons Daconil Fungicide – 40 Lb $129.95
Chlorothalonil 5G Fungicide Andersons Daconil Fungicide – 40 Lb is broad spectrum fungicide control Melting Out, Leaf Spot, Brown Patch, Dollar Spot, and certain other lawn diseases as listed on label.
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Chlorothalonil DF Generic Daconil Fungicide – 10 Lb $112.95
Chlorothalonil DF Generic Daconil Fungicide – 10 Lb is a dry flowable contact fungicide containing chlorothalonil that is used as a spray for the control of many important plant diseases.
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Cleary 3336 DG Lite Granular Fungicide – 30 Lb $84.95
Cleary 3336 DG Lite Granular Fungicide – 30 Lb is a systemic fungicide for the prevention and control of turf diseases and the diseases of annual and perennial flowers, bedding plants, foliage plants, ground covers, plus deciduous trees and shrubs.
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Cleary 3336 EG Fungicide – 5 Lb $94.95
Cleary 3336 EG Fungicide – 5 Lb is a systemic fungicide for the prevention and control of turf diseases and the diseases of annual and perennial flowers, bedding plants, foliage plants, ground covers, plus deciduous trees and shrubs.
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Cleary 3336F Flowable Fungicide – Qt – 2.5 Gal $85.95 – $485.95
Cleary 3336F Flowable Fungicide – Qt – 2.5 Gal is a broad-spectrum fungicide with preventive and curative properties.
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Companion Biological Fungicide Wettable Powder – 5 Lbs $299.95
Companion Biological Fungicide Wettable Powder – 5 Lbs contains the active ingredient Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain ENV503, a plant growth-promoting rhizobacterium
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Companion Maxx 2-0-1 Liquid Biological Fertilizer – 2.5 Gallon $349.95
Companion Maxx 2-0-1 Liquid Biological Fertilizer – 2.5 Gallon combines the power of Bacillus subtilis to convert the complex form of essential nutrients to a simple form used by plant roots.
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