4 results
XLure Replacement Cartridge for Beetle Trap 041-XLG-100 $7.95
XLure Replacement Cartridge for Beetle Trap 041-XLG-100 containing pheromones, food lures & oil which is powerful attractant for a wide range of these beetles.
25 in stock
XLure Replacement Cartridge for Fabric Insect Trap 041-XL-5010R $8.95
XLure Replacement Cartridge for Fabric Insect Trap 041-XL-5010R is the refill cartridge that contains a special mix of attractants and pheromones.
0 in stock
XLure RTU Combo 4 Diamond Moth Trap – Pack of 6 Traps $38.95
XLure RTU Combo 4 Diamond Moth Trap – Pack of 6 Traps for kill Indian Meal Moth, Mediterranean Flour Moth, Raisin Moth, Tobacco Moth, Cigarette Beetle, Khaphra Beetle, & Warehouse Beetle.
12 in stock
Zenith Zoysia Grass Seed – 2 Lb $119.95
Zenith Zoysia Grass Seed – 2 Lb creates a dense, slow-growing, low-maintenance turfgrass that can tolerate traffic and wear better than most warm season lawns.
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