16 results
0-0-7 + 0.37% Prodiamine Herbicide Fertilizer – 50 Lb $68.95
0-0-7 + 0.37% Prodiamine Herbicide Fertilizer – 50 Lb is professional turf grass fertilizer contains pre-emergent herbicide for prevention weed.
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0-0-7 Dimension 0.15% Fertilizer – 50 Lb $64.95
0-0-7 Dimension 0.15% Fertilizer – 50 Lb provides season-long control of crabgrass and control or suppression of other listed annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in established lawns and ornamental turfs, including golf course fairways, roughs, and tee boxes.
2 in stock
16-0-8 Plus Atrazine 0.92% Granule – 50 Lb $89.95
16-0-8 Plus Atrazine 0.92% Granule – 50 Lb is a herbicide combination fertilizer that can be applied before or after weeds emerge.
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25-0-2 plus 0.13% Dithiopyr Herbicide Granules Fertilizer – 50 Lb $78.95
25-0-2 plus 0.13% Dithiopyr Herbicide Granules Fertilizer – 50 Lb is a pre-emergent combination herbicide for dark green-up and prevention weed combo.
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Alion Herbicide Preemergent in Crops Indaziflam – Qt $569.95
Alion Herbicide Preemergent in Crops Indaziflam – Qt provides effective, long-lasting weed control in Citrus, Fruit, Grapes, Stone Fruit, Pome Fruit, Tree Nuts, and Olives.
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Alligare Bromacil Diuron 40 40 Herbicide Krovar – 6 Lbs $84.95
Alligare Bromacil Diuron 40 40 Herbicide Krovar – 6 Lbs provides selective control of weeds in certain crops like citrus and for non-selective control of weeds on residual bare ground control like parking lots, right of ways, etc.
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Alligare Tebuthiuron 20P Herbicide Spike 20P – 25 Lb $249.95
Alligare Tebuthiuron 20P Herbicide Spike 20P – 25 Lb is generic Spike 20P that provides excellent control of sagebrush, creosotebrush, boxwood, kudzu and more as pre- and post-emergence control.
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Alligare Tebuthiuron 80 WG Herbicide Spike 80DF – 4 – 25 Lbs $129.95 – $554.95
Alligare Tebuthiuron 80 WG Herbicide Spike 80DF – 4 – 25 Lbs has applied to the soil surface by ground equipment and enters plants only through the roots.
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Atrazine for St. Augustine Weed Killer – Qt – 2.5 Gallon $23.95 – $98.95
Atrazine for St. Augustine Weed Killer – Qt – 2.5 Gallon for the control of both emerged weeds and weeds from seeds in St. Augustine grass and Centipede grass.
8 in stock
Authority MTZ DF Pre Emergent Herbicide – 6.25 Lb $218.95
Authority MTZ DF Pre Emergent Herbicide – 6.25 Lb keeps weeds from emerging to rob soybeans of valuable nutrients and moisture, use fall burndown or spring preemergence application with Flexi-Crop Advantage.
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Balan 2.5G Crabgrass Preventer Granules – 40 Lb $65.95
Balan 2.5G Crabgrass Preventer Granules – 40 Lb is a preemergent herbicide for the control of crabgrass and most other annual weed grasses in lawns and on golf courses.
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Barricade 0.48% DG Prodiamine Granular – 50 Lbs $119.95
Barricade 0.48% DG Prodiamine Granular – 50 Lbs is a pre-emergent herbicide for prevention weed control.
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Barricade 4FL Herbicide Prodiamine – Gal $194.95
Barricade 4FL Herbicide Prodiamine – Gal Broad Spectrum Pre-Emergent Herbicide for grass and broadleaf weed control. Flexible application allows for both spring and fall use providing season long crabgrass control.
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Barricade 65 WG Herbicide Prodiamine – 5 Lb $144.95
Barricade 65 WG Herbicide Prodiamine – 5 Lb stops more than 30 weeds from emerging. The water-dispersible granule (WG, WDG) provides the ease of handling and reduced packaging of a dry formulation.
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Bensumec 4LF Herbicide Bensulide – 2.5 Gals $439.95
Bensumec 4LF Herbicide Bensulide – 2.5 Gals is a pre-emergent herbicide which provides effective control of annual grasses, including crabgrass, Poa annua and goosegrass as well as certain broadleaf weeds in greens, tees and bentgrass fairways.
1 in stock
Biathlon Ornamental Herbicide – 50 Lb $198.95
Biathlon Ornamental Herbicide – 50 Lb is a pre-emergent granular ornamental herbicide for control of weeds in field and container production ornamentals, conifers and Christmas trees, grounds maintenance, and other label specified non-crop areas.
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