8 results
Advocate Plant Growth Stimulant 20% IBA – Qt $449.95
Advocate Plant Growth Stimulant 20% IBA – Qt for use by foliar and basal methods on plants
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Dipel Dust BT Kills Worms – 4 lb $16.95
Dipel Dust BT Kills Worms – 4 lb is Bacillus Thuringiensis, known as BT,(bacillus thuringencis) a bacteria that kills worms and caterpillars. It contains the same ingredient as the liquid product we carry, Thuricide, available.
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Diquat Turf Aquatic Herbicide Tribune – Qt – Gal – 2.5 Gallon $59.95 – $319.95
Diquat Turf Aquatic Herbicide Tribune – Qt – Gal – 2.5 Gallon controls submersed, floating and emergent aquatic weeds that is a highly concentrated non-selective herbicide for the control of aquatic weeds, turf weeds and grass.
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JT Eaton Snap Trap Station Cover 401STS $29.95
JT Eaton Snap Trap Station Cover 401STS holds 2 rat size snap traps.
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Osmocote Classic – 50 Lb $179.95 – $189.95
Osmocote Classic Granular Fertilizer – 50 Lb designed for incorporation in general nursery and greenhouse production.
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Tempo Ultra WP Insecticide – 14.8 oz (420 g) Powder $129.95
Tempo Ultra WP Insecticide – 14.8 oz (420 g) is a wettable powder and contains cyfluthrin that provides quick knockdowns and long lasting residual actions will insure that you only have to spray every two to three months.
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TriStar 8.5 SL Superior Foliar Insecticide – Qt – Gal $219.95 – $699.95
TriStar 8.5 SL Superior Foliar Insecticide – Qt – Gal has no odor and is a long-lasting, fast-acting, broad spectrum nicotinyl foliar insecticide.
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ZMC Express EDTA Chelated Micronutrients – 5 Lb $69.95
ZMC Express EDTA Chelated Micronutrients – 5 Lb is chelating agent, EDTA fertilizer for use only on agricultural and horticultural crops and ornamentals.
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