Acclaim Extra Herbicide – Pt – Gallon
$109.95 – $849.95
Acclaim Extra Herbicide – Pt – Gallon is a selective postemergence herbicide that controls annual and perennial grasses in turf. A systematic herbicide that works in a single treatment.
Acclaim Extra Herbicide – Pt – Gallon is a selective postemergence herbicide that controls annual and perennial grasses in turf. A systematic herbicide that works in a single treatment.
Acclaim is one of the only postemergence herbicides that can control crabgrass and goosegrass effectively with good tolerance on desirable turf.
Use For postemergence annual and perennial grass control in turfgrass including sod farms, commercial and residential turf, and ornamentals like Kentucky bluegrass, Perennial ryegrass, Fine fescue , Tall fescue, Annual bluegrass, Zoysiagrass, Creeping Bentgrass.
it does so in a wide range of growth stages from spikes to 5-tillers.
With its water-based formulation, Acclaim makes precautionary handling procedures easy compared to solvent-based formulations. Its timing and use is flexible, too.
Weeds Controlled(Grassy Weed Species):
Silver crabgrass/Goosegrass
Smooth crabgrass
Hairy crabgrass
Foxtail species
Panicum species
Johnsongrass (seedling)
Johnsongrass (rhizome)*
Common bermudagrass*
RATE: An average rate is 0.5 oz. per 1,000 sq. ft. Application rate depends on turf species and size of weed being controlled.
CONTAINS: 6.59% Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl:(+)-ethyl2-[4-[-chloro-2-benzoxazoly)oxy]phenoxy]propanoate
Broadleaf herbicides such as 2,4-D or MCPP may reduce the effectiveness of Acclaim Extra Herbicide. Do not apply Acclaim Extra within 21 days following a 2,4-D or MCPP application, or 5 days before a 2,4-D or MCPP application.
* Acclaim Extra can be safe over all cool-season grass and zoysiagrass only. This means acclaim extra can kills bermuda, centipede, st.augustine, bahiagrass, etc.
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