Clipper Herbicide – 5 Lbs
Clipper Herbicide – 5 Lbs is a fast acting contact herbicide that controls selected submersed, emergent and floating aquatic weeds.
Clipper Herbicide – 5 Lbs is a fast acting contact herbicide that controls selected submersed, emergent and floating aquatic weeds.
Clipper delivers fast and selective control of tough invasive and nuisance plants such as cabomba, watermeal, Eurasian watermilfoil, water lettuce, duckweed, giant salvinia and more. Plus, Clipper dissipates quickly from the water column and does not accumulate in sediment.
Be applied to the following quiescent or slow moving bodies of water:
• Bayous
• Canals
• Drainage ditches
• Lakes
• Marshes
• Ponds (including golf course ponds)
• Reservoirs
Mix only the amount of spray solution that can be applied the day of mixing. (Apply clipper herbicide within 12 hours of mixing.)
- Rate: Vary. 1.1 to 14.8 Lb per surface acre (See Label for details)
- Active Ingredient: Flumioxazin — 51%
- This is not ready to use, mix with water then spray.
Weight | 4.5359237 kg |
Valent USA Corporation
Valent U.S.A. Corporation is a leading crop protection firm serving the agricultural and non-crop products markets in North America. Valent products help growers produce safe and abundant food and fiber crops, and horticultural professionals improve the quality of life for their customers.
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