Compass 50 WG Fungicide – Lb


Compass 50 WG Fungicide – Lb is a broad-spectrum strobilurin fungicide that delivers the value of a contact with the power of a systemic.

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Compass 50 WG Fungicide – Lb is a broad-spectrum strobilurin fungicide that delivers the value of a contact with the power of a systemic. This is due to its unique mesostemic mode of action, which is resistant to weather. Compass 50 WG provides a high level of activity against disease at the lowest use rates available on the market.

Long-term disease control in turf and ornamentals


  • Reliable preventive and curative control

  • Lowest use rates

  • Provides longer residual protection than contact products at a cost-effective price

  • Forms weather-resistant deposits in the waxy layer of the plant to provide continuous disease control

  • An excellent tank-mix partner, Compass 50 WG is compatible with most insecticides, fungicides and foliar nutrient products

  • Classified by the EPA as a reduced-risk compound

  • Active Ingredient : Trifloxystrobin — 50%

  •  Rate : 1⁄10 tsp to 1/3 tsp per gallon of water or 1 to 4 ounces per 100 gallons of water

  • ApplicationDrench or foliar spray


Turf diseases:

Anthracnose, brown patch, gray leaf spot, leaf spot, red thread, snow mold, yellow patch

Ornamental diseases:

Black spot, leaf spot, rust, scab

Weight 1.36077711 kg


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SKU: 2584569 Categories: , Brand:
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