Cutless 0.33G Granule PGR – 21 – 40 Lb
$199.95 – $349.95
Cutless 0.33G Granule PGR – 21 – 40 Lb is a systemic plant growth regulator that slows shoot growth of hedges, shrubs and groundcovers in landscaped areas.
Cutless 0.33G Granule PGR – 21 – 40 Lb is a systemic plant growth regulator that slows shoot growth of hedges, shrubs and groundcovers in landscaped areas.
Plants treated with Cutless 0.33G Granular will require less trimming and will have a more compact growth form.
Cutless 0.33G Landscape Growth Regulator is absorbed by the roots and translocated to leaves and stems.
- Cutless Granular is not recommended on shrubs greater than 10 ft. tall. These plants require rates too high for Cutless Granular to adequately control.
- Use over Landscape and Ornamental area only. Don’t use over Tree and/or Turf grass. If you need to use over turf grass also, Use Embark Turf Ornamental PGR.
- Active Ingredient: flurprimidol — 0.33%
- See Label for detail
- Rate:
Perennial non-woody ground covers and herbaceous landscape ornamentals – 3.5 to 7.0 pounds per 1000 sq.ft.
Examples include: Mexican Petunia, Lantana, Asiatic Jasmine, Plumbago, Duranta
Perennial woody ground covers and woody ornamentals – 7.0 to 21.0 pounds per 1000 sq.ft. depending on the height and mass of woody tissue present. Generally, Cutless Granular rate requirement will increase as plant height and mass of woody tissue increase.
Examples include: Ficus, Ligustrum, Viburnum, Eleangus, Holly, Jasmine, Spirea, Ground Ivy, Vinca Minor, Hibiscus, Euonymus, Boxwood, Firebush
Apply the product uniformly within the dripline of target landscape ornamentals using any granular spreading equipment including gravity-fed, rotary or air-driven power granular spreaders. Cutless Granular placed outside the dripline is less likely to be absorbed by the roots and limits translocation by the plant. For the best results, apply when rainfall is expected or irrigate with a minimum of 1/2 inch of water to insure proper release of the active ingredient into the soil. Avoid excessive irrigation after application. Mulch may minimize Cutless Granular contact with soil. Apply Cutless Granular directly to soil surface to maximize entry into the root-zone.
Apply Cutless Granular as needed for shoot growth suppression of landscape ornamentals. For best results, shape or prune plants within one to five days of Cutless Granular applications. For extremely aggressive and vigorous landscape ornamentals (e.g. jasmine, eleangus), pruning or shaping should occur five to seven days following application. Repeat applications should be applied every two to six months or when growth regulation is no longer visible.Â
Apply the product uniformly within the dripline of target landscape ornamentals using any granular spreading equipment including gravity-fed, rotary or air-driven power granular spreaders. Cutless Granular placed outside the dripline is less likely to be absorbed by the roots and limits translocation by the plant. For the best results, apply when rainfall is expected or irrigate with a minimum of 1/2 inch of water to insure proper release of the active ingredient into the soil. Avoid excessive irrigation after application. Mulch may minimize Cutless Granular contact with soil. Apply Cutless Granular directly to soil surface to maximize entry into the root-zone.
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