Ference Insecticide Cyantraniliprole – 96 Oz
Ference Insecticide Cyantraniliprole – 96 Oz is a suspension concentrate that may be applied for the control all larval stages (one through five) of annual bluegrass weevil (ABW), white grubs, billbugs, caterpillars infesting landscape and recreational turfgrass including golf courses and sod farms.
Ference Insecticide Cyantraniliprole – 96 Oz is a suspension concentrate that may be applied for the control all larval stages (one through five) of annual bluegrass weevil (ABW), white grubs, billbugs, caterpillars infesting landscape and recreational turfgrass including golf courses and sod farms.
Active Ingredient : cyantraniliprole — 18.66%
Rate : 2 – 20 oz per acre
Systemic control of ABW at all larval stages (1st – 5th instar).
Ference stops turf-feeding damage within minutes after ingestion; larvae die within hours to days depending on insect life stages and species.
Manages a broad-spectrum of insect pests including: billbugs, European crane flies, white grubs, turf caterpillars and suppression of chinch bugs.Â
Key Benefits
Improves control of asynchronous ABW populations, which have multiple life stages present at the same time.
Provides a new resistance management tool and rotation partner to help control pyrethroid-resistant ABW.
Increased control of ABW with the Syngenta Optimum Control Strategy through WeevilTrak.com.
Ference compliments and enhances an ABW program with Acelepryn, Provaunt and Scimitar GC insecticides for extended, season-long control of ABW.
Weight | 5.44310844 kg |
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