Merit 2F Insecticide – Gallon


Merit 2F Insecticide – Gallon has long residual control that it interferes with the insects nervous system to stop feeding, producing, and then dies.

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Merit 2F Insecticide – Gallon has long residual control that it interferes with the insects nervous system to stop feeding, producing, and then dies.

Merit 2F Insecticide is for the use of insect control on turfgrass, sod farms, fruit and nut trees, interior plantscapes, and ornamental landscapes. 

Merit 2F Insecticide can also be used to suppress chinch bugs and cutworms. It is a systemic product that will travel up the plant system from the roots.

  • Broad-spectrum systemic action
  • Outstanding preventive grub control
  • Long residual activity
  • Wide application window
  • Controls all major grub species

Active Ingredient: Imidacloprid — 21.4%

Weight 13.6077711 kg


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