Quin Kill Max Crabgrass Killer Quinclorac – Pt


Quin Kill Max Crabgrass Killer Quinclorac – Pt can be applied post-emergence to residential and nonresidential turf grasses for the control of many broadleaf and grass weeds include crabgrass.

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Albaugh, Inc

Quin Kill Max Crabgrass Killer Quinclorac – Pt can be applied post-emergence to residential and nonresidential turf grasses for the control of many broadleaf and grass weeds include crabgrass.

  • Controls crabgrass as well as broadleaf weeds 
  • Active ingredient: Quinclorac (Dimethylamine salt of quinclorac; 3,7-dichlofo-8-quinolinecarbbxylic acid) — 18.92% (Generic Drive XLR8 Herbicide)
  • Mix 1.5 oz per 1 gallon of water (This bottle covers up to 10,000 sq.ft.)
  • Mix MSO (Methylated Seed Oil) for better quality.

We can ship either Albaugh Quinclorac 1.5 DMA or Agrisel Quin Kill Max depends on stock. Both product are same, just different manufacturer.

Weight 0.90718474 kg


Albaugh, Inc

Albaugh, Inc. engages in the production and distribution of crop protection products. It offers herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, and plant growth regulators.

Albaugh, Inc
SKU: 312 Categories: , Brand:
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