Trimec Encore (Tri-Power) Broadleaf Herbicide – 2.5 Gal
Trimec Encore (Tri-Power) Broadleaf Herbicide – 2.5 Gal used for post-emergent broadleaf weed control in turf where an alternative to 2,4-D is needed such as Tri-Power used by Trugreen ChemLawn.
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Trimec Encore (Tri-Power) Broadleaf Herbicide – 2.5 Gal used for post-emergent broadleaf weed control in turf where an alternative to 2,4-D is needed such as Tri-Power used by Trugreen ChemLawn.
It provides a broad spectrum of broadleaf weed control in turf and is effective against the major lawn weeds typically treated by LCO’s.
It provides the synergism and enhanced efficacy associated with other Trimec herbicides. This formulation provides an alternative for broadleaf weed control where treatment with a 2,4-D product is limited or restricted by state or municipal regulations.
Since it contains MCPA instead of 2,4-D it can be applied following products restricted to two broadcast applications if new weeds emerge.
Labeled for use on warm- and cool-season turf grasses, including Bermudagrass, Bahiagrass, Centipede, Zoysiagrass, St.Augustine, Kentucky bluegrass, Perennial ryegrass, Tall fescue and Turf-type tall fescues.
If you have problem killing customer grass with use 2,4-D, Trimec Encore will be your solution!
- Formulated to provide maximum efficacy with MCPA instead of 2,4-D.
- Active Ingredients: MCPA — 38.68%, MCPP — 8.16%, Dicamba — 3.81%
- Controls hard-to-kill weeds without repeated applications.
- Enhanced control of clover, buttercups and thistles.
- For use on warm- and cool-season turf.
- Protective eyewear and long sleeved shirts are not required during application
- Rate : 1 oz / 1 gallon of water or 50oz~70oz / 100 gallons of water.
- 2,4-d can kill centipedegrass and st.augustine grass, just use trimec encore or horsepower instead include 2,4-d product such as Three way, Triplet, Trimec classic, Speedzone
Weight | 16.32932532 kg |
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