Spotrete F Turf Fungicide Animal Repellent – 2.5 Gal


Spotrete F Turf Fungicide Animal Repellent – 2.5 Gal provide both curative and protective action of common turf diseases and protect nursery stock, shrubs, ornamentals, non-bearing orchards and vines such as grape vines from rabbit, deer and rodent depredation.

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Cleary Chemical Corporation

Spotrete F Turf Fungicide Animal Repellent – 2.5 Gal provide both curative and protective action of common turf diseases and protect nursery stock, shrubs, ornamentals, non-bearing orchards and vines such as grape vines from rabbit, deer and rodent depredation.

One application will protect treated parts from 1 to 3 months depending upon weather conditions

  • Tank-mix compatible with most commonly used pesticides
  • Preventive and curative action for Dollar Spot, Brown Patch, Rust, Leaf Spot, Red Thread, Copper Spot, Snow Mold and Melt Out
  • Animal repellent


Active Ingredient : Thiram — 44.00%


Use Rates : 

For fungicide (For use on non-residential turf only.) : 4 – 12 fl.oz. per 1,000 sq.ft. ( 1.2 – 4 gal. per acre)

For animal repellent : 1 : 3 water – 1 : 7 water

Weight 17.23651006 kg


Cleary Chemical Corporation

For over seven decades Cleary has supplied the fine turf and ornamental industries with superior quality plant protection products, utilizing the most up-to-date technology.

Cleary Chemical Corporation
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